Friday, March 21, 2008

interesting web site (like there are no others out there)

I found a wealth of information on this site pertaining to human pathophysiology.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Deer Valley Job

Phil is looking for someone with at least one year experience. Unfortunately for our GateWay students, he does not want new graduates. My own opinion is that a new grad should not work a shift where they are the only person in the ultrasound department, but you gotta take what's out there. So if you can find a position where you work with others its good. If you are on your own and you are putting food on the table, well may have to do that too. For any sonographer on their own, it helps to have a network of peers available. The new graduates will have each other, their former clinical instructors, and the school as resources. I am not worried about them taking a night shift. As long as they wait until morning to call with a question :)

Another Job Opportunity

From Phil Kinsey at JCL Deer Valley: Greetings all, I am pleased to announce a 32 hr Full-time weekend position has been created and I am currently interviewing. The hours are Friday 2p-10p, and Sat/Sun 6a-6p. Please let me know if anyone is interested or if you have any referrals. Thanks, Phil Phillip M. Kinsey,BSRT,(R),RDMS John C. Lincoln Hospital-DV Ultrasound Supervisor 623-879-5756